2011年7月3日 星期日

Suo gan

聲演唱的威爾斯民謠Suo Gan,是一首十分純淨優美的作品,在<太陽帝國>整個配樂中,Williams一直大量的使用兒童合聲來表現Jim的心靈與情感,Suo Gan也採用童聲演唱的型式,是一首很清新且具有故鄉情懷的搖籃曲。
Sleep, my baby, on my bosom,
Warm and cozy, it will prove,

Round thee mother’s arms are folding,
In her heart a mother’s love.
There shall no one come to harm thee,
Naught shall ever break thy rest;
Sleep, my darling babe, in quiet,
Sleep on mother’s gentle breast.

Sleep serenely, baby, slumber,
Lovely baby, gently sleep;
Tell me wherefore art thou smiling,
Smiling sweetly in thy sleep?
Do the angels smile in heaven
When thy happy smile they see?
Dost thou on them smile while slum’bring

On my bosom peacefully

